Our Holiday Reception on December 6 was co-sponsored by Women's Chamber of Commerce and Organization of Women in International Trade at Bellmont Spanish Restaurant in Coral Gables.
A raffle for gifts donated and collected by NAWBO members raised $405 for Locust House.
Photos by Jennifer Ohl

We couldn't deliver the check on site, but it's in the mail to assist Lotus House in the mission of helping homeless women and children. NAWBO Miami President Alma Kadragic and Maria Carvalho, Community Outreach, Lotus House, Miami.

Catherine Busot, President of Organization of Women in International Trade South Florida, Jenelle La Chiusa, President of Women's Chamber of Commerce, Sheri Colas-Gervais, Vice President, Economic Development & Urban Initiatives, Beacon Council, and Alma Kadragic.

We're happy to announce that Jody Johnson of Action Coach has joined the Board of Directors as Secretary. Her expertise in helping small business owners achieve success will benefit the Miami Chapter. She kindly donated a coaching session on Strategic Business Thinking to the raffle.

Good news for the Miami Chapter. Immediate Past President Jennifer Ohl is returning to the Board of Directors. Her experience with NAWBO in Miami and at the national level will be useful.
We're planning some interesting and unusual events for 2017. Stay tuned.
Our best wishes for a happy holiday season, and all the relaxation, family and friend time, and health that you need!
The NAWBO Miami Board of Directors